英文grammar 超easy!

2010-09-14 7:10 am
Q1. 當我寫一個故事的summary時, 應該用什麼tense?( present or past?)
Q2. 如果我想說作者在描寫人物方面做得很出色,但那個作者已經死了,那句子應用什麼tense?
Q3. 如果我說故事的結局很意想不到 怎說?
Q4. 他成為了她的husband 成為可以用become嗎?

回答 (4)

2010-09-14 7:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) 我認為寫故事, 虛擬的或真實的, 也用past tense 會順理成章自然些, 令你在tense上會較少出錯, 全篇過程只用past tense 和 past perfect, 必要時纔用 past continuous tense.當然這只是我個人經檢驗和意見。

2) 你考慮得很週到, 比如說你的故事中的主人翁是真有其人又該件事是涉及一些還現存或永恆真理的, 就可用present tense於該件事上了;如伽利畧在400年前就發現地球是圓形的就句子要寫作 Galileo found out 400 years ago that the earth is round. 了, 因到現今地球還存在,還是圓的。

3)你可說The ending of the story(或novel, 或fiction) is (so)unexpected,(so) surprising 或(so)unanticipated;或The story has a surprising, 或 an unexpected, 或 unanticipated ending.

4)如你用present tense來寫,當然可寫作He becomes her husband, 但用
past tense 來寫, 就不用說要寫He became her husband 了。

參考: my opinion and experience
2010-09-16 7:12 pm
Q.1 Simple Present tense,
because you are using your own words to express briefly to your audience what is the main idea and relevant details of the story you have read.

For example: 'In the novel "Pride and Prejudice" author Jane Austen sarcastically presents the relationship between the sisters: Jane and Elizabeth, and the behaviours of the nobles' social circles in the 19th century.The main plot of the novel is driven by a particular situation of the Bennet Family... '

Q.2 Simple present tense and Present Perfect tense to tell the audience about the magnificent works of the author. However, you must use simple past tense when you are describing the author's achievements and background.

For example, 'Austen's novels highlight the dependence of women on marriage to secure social standing and economic security. During Austen's lifetime her works brought her a little fame and a few positive review.'

Q.3 I would suggest: "The ending is far more expected" or "Surprisingly, the ending is out of prediction"

Q.4 Yes. "become" can be used in this expression. Or "this man turns out to be her husband"

Q.5 For inverted sentence: "Unpredicted is the ending of the story"
2010-09-15 2:24 am
To mwl_r
如果我想用倒裝句去寫q3句子以表達強烈情感時 可以點寫?
thx a lot!
2010-09-14 7:17 am
Q1. Past Tense. You should rent some story books in library. There are a lot of examples.
Q2. Past Tense.

Q3. It was so unpredictable.

Q4. He became her husband.

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