tense &文法的問題

2010-09-14 4:20 am
1. They have not get married yet.

2. They have not got married yet.


all these food is what your mother need, 呢句又啱唔啱??

I have never 後面可唔可以加before ?? e.g. I have never been there before

回答 (2)

2010-09-14 5:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. They have not get married yet.

2. They have not got married yet.


第二句係啱ge. 由於呢兩句係用咗過去分詞(past participle, 簡稱pp.), 所以結構應該係: Subject + have + pp. + (O) + (C), 第一句因為動詞"get"冇轉為p.p form, 所以係錯ge.

all these food is what your mother need, 呢句又啱唔啱??

"These"係用於眾數, 所以food之後應該用are. He/She/It之後動詞要+s, 所以need應該變成needs.不過我個人認為"These are the food your mother needs."比較通順.

I have never 後面可唔可以加before ?? e.g. I have never been there before

"I have never been...."代表"我從未去過...", 所以"I have never been there before "係啱ge. 不過如果你要指明你冇去過that place,你就要+ to. 係呢個情況就晤使+ before.

e.g.I have never been to France.

I hope I can help you.
參考: me
2010-09-15 1:52 am

They have not yet got married.

They have not yet married.

All these food are what your mother needs.
兩處的subject-tense agreement都錯了。
these food -眾數 are
mother - 第三身單數 needs

I have never been there before. 正確。

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