reacting mass 有問題

2010-09-14 12:33 am
in 3g of Al2(CO3)3,
Find the no of moles of Al2(CO3)3
Find the no of moles of Al^3+ ion and CO3^2-
Find the no of moles of C atom and O atom

我唔太明白mole 同atom係點計
請大家help me...

回答 (1)

2010-09-14 1:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先 no. of mole =massof a substance(g)/molar mass of the substance

Find the no of moles of Al2(CO3)3
no of moles of Al2(CO3)3
=0.0128 mol

Find the no of moles of Al^3+ ion and CO3^2-
no. of formula units of Al2(CO3)30.0128x(6.02x10^23)
one formula unit of Al2(CO3)3 contains 2 Al^3+ ion
no.of Al^3+ ion
no of mol of Al^3+ ion
=2.56 mol

one formula unit of Al2(CO3)3 contains 3 CO3^2-
no.of CO3^2-
no of mol of CO3^2-
=3.84 mol

2010-09-13 17:30:03 補充:
no.of mol of CO3^2-=3.84 mol
no of CO3^2=3.84 x(6.02x10^23)=2.31x10^24
no of C atoms present =3x2.31x10^24=6.93x10^24
no of mol of C atoms=6.93x10^24/(6.02x10^23)=1.15 mol

no of O atoms present =9x2.31x10^24=2.08x10^25
no of mol of O atoms=2.08x10^25/(6.02x10^23)=3.45 mol

2010-09-13 17:30:06 補充:
no.of mol of CO3^2-=3.84 mol
no of CO3^2=3.84 x(6.02x10^23)=2.31x10^24
no of C atoms present =3x2.31x10^24=6.93x10^24
no of mol of C atoms=6.93x10^24/(6.02x10^23)=1.15 mol

no of O atoms present =9x2.31x10^24=2.08x10^25
no of mol of O atoms=2.08x10^25/(6.02x10^23)=3.45 mol
參考: me

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