
2010-09-13 9:33 pm
my friends, i was dumped i think....
i m a chinese girl and having a long distance relationship with a korean guy...
he was really nice at first...
but finally....he even doesnt call me/ contact me within these few months..
he used to call me everyday until July..
he said he was busy on study...and prepare to go back to university (he skipped it 3 years due to army training) ....
and then he started his university life on September...
July , Aug , Sept... he doesnt call me . connect msn... unless i m mad to send him SMS...he would connect msn to talk with me... said many things like we will get marry... dont be mad..i have to trust him...something like that

he comforted me then disappeared 1 week ...
then i mad ....and he comforted me then disappeared...

loop and loop this situation....

i found that he has time to leave message to another girl in cy homepage..
i just have no idea what does he mean by "busy " and not to call me ....

......i m so.........upset now.......
i love him so much...miss me so much..
it's stupid to look at his name showed offline eveynight in msn.
i think he should online in nate-on...but offline in msn..

i just dont know why he would disappear but then tell me to wait and say he doesnt want to break up with me and then disappear and dont try to hv time to contact...
girls...i think i was dumped....




我地有見過呀 去韓國旅行個陣識 番香港之後佢晚晚都打IDD 比我 之後又透過webcam 見過佢媽媽 其實我只係想share 下感受 ><

回答 (3)

2010-09-15 2:45 am
long distance relationship is really really difficult, sorry this have happened to u..

but that's how it is...especially with guys

it seems like he was just leading u on, stringing u along...talk to u when he's bored, i mean.. he can easily meet other girls and have a girlfriend already

if a guy really loves u, he would find time for u no matter what the case is, trust me oon this one lol

be smart about this la :) it's hard to love someone just being in a long d relationship, im sure u will find a better bf :) cheer up
2010-09-13 10:35 pm
I think you said it all. What else do you want to know from us? You just
have to face it. Don't trust people easily, especially online. A lot of men
can say and write sweet words. You wanted to work things out with a
foreigner in a foreign country. It is not that easy. From your writing, I guess
you are a clever girl looking for romance regardless the difficulties of long
distance relationship. Just be careful next time. Don't make your life more
miserable. Take care. You will be alright in time.
2010-09-13 10:31 pm

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