
2010-09-13 7:13 pm
本人的家人到美國留學,入讀加州的社區學院,預算兩年後轉入4年制大學的三年級。將來希望主修心理學,在社區學院約見Counselor,該counselor 制定未來兩年的選修課程包括了 Pyhsics, Chemistry and Biology。Couselor 稱要轉入名校 UCLA, UC, Bekerley 的心理學課程,必須包括上述理科課程。請教各位,在美國讀 "心理學" 是否一定要修讀所有理科,抑或只需修讀 Biology?? 唔明白Physics 同 Chemistry 跟心理學有咩關係。我聽朋友講,係加拿大,選修心理學,唔需要讀哂所有理科,只需選修 Biology,根本唔需要 "物理" 及 "化學",係香港讀心理學及係點選科呢??祈指點迷津。 

回答 (2)

2010-09-13 11:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let me clarify a little bit more.

I take an assumption that your family member will fulfill the General Education requirement by IGETC.

The exact requirement of IGETC is Biological Sciences. In a simple way, you are required to select one qualified course under IGETC (course selection varies by colleges). It may not necessary in Biology, but must be biology-related.

Also, Physics or Chemistry is under Physical Science. One is needed only and they are not the only choices as well (as explained above).

By the way, hopefully your family member has a backup plan in transfer.
The schools that the counselor mentioned has an admission rate less than 4% for international students. In other words, if your family remember is not a U.S. person, the chance of getting into either one is really low (even the academic result is competitive).

2010-09-13 7:39 pm
1) the reason why you have to study science subjects even though you are psychology major is that science is considered as part of general education. In general education, you will find that you have to study a lot of subjects which is not related to your major, such as science subjects like chemistry, physics, geology; art and humanities such as arts, history, film, languages; social science such as philosophy, economics, social science and so on. To apply universities, you have to meet the general education [GE] requirement. So that is the reason why you have to study science enough thought you are psychology major.

2) since your major is psychology, the best universities providing best psychology program are stanford university, University of California, Los Angeles, and University of California, Santa Barbara

if you have any problem, email me: [email protected]

hope these information can help you
參考: myself

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