People who don't wash their hands after using the washroom. I hate it when they say, "My penis isn't dirty, and urine is sterile". Well, we don't know wear that thing has been lately. Maybe you think "your Peter" is clean, but would you like our "Peter or our crotch germs" to touch your stuff or hands? Just the thought of you touching your privates then shaking our hand, or all the things you touch after like the door knob, the kitchen cabinets, the packaging of the food, putting your hands in the chip bowl etc. Is it not just plain good hygiene to wash your hands and not being inconsiderate for other people?
And I'm not just talking about men, woman do it too. And who knows if they didn't do #2 while being in there. I've witnessed a food server in a chinese food buffet restaurant who left the bathroom after her bowel movement and did not wash her hands. I notified the staff, but they acted like they could not understand english and gave me a weird look like who cares?
waiting for anything lol im not very patient
when a guy expects the girl to make the first move seriously get off ur *** man
long akward pauses especially on the phone
those ppl that dont say bye they just hang up
walmart altogether just an unplesant experience
ppl that get that spit bubble when they talk ewwww
when ppl let their kids throw a fit in public i mean what ever happened to spanking
ppl that lie for no reason
when no one IMs u all day then 10 ppl do at once
-People who are ignorant and intolerant of people who are different from them.
-Bad drivers
-People who are mean to others who don't deserve it
-When the walk light doesn't work so you have to book it across the street before you get run over.
-Inconsiderate neighbors
-Stepping in gum
-When old people use the self checkout lane at the grocery store when they clearly don't know how to use it.