I.S 科學

2010-09-12 11:37 pm
______________ are people who work in science.They make ___________and ask questions.They suggest answers to those questions .They check their answers.sometimes by doing _____________.After analysing the results ,they draw a __________ .

回答 (2)

2010-09-12 11:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Scientists are people who work in science.They make assumptions (there are more than one answer, more will be provided*) and ask questions.They suggest answers to those questions .They check their answers.sometimes by doing experiments. After analysing the results ,they draw a conclusion.

2010-09-12 17:28:05 補充:
After the invention of explosives,it is easier to break rocks.
2010-09-13 9:29 pm



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