
2010-09-12 4:10 pm
睇完潛行空間,唔係好明白故事係講乜o野 ! ! 希望睇得明呢套電影的人用自己文字詳細回答,本人絕不接受copy電影故事大綱 ,多謝合作,唔該~




回答 (2)

2010-09-15 7:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
I try to explain the thing in English in simple words.
The main character, Dom, is a man who used to extracts minds from others by creating dreams. Since the mind has the lowest awareness when a person is sleeping, Dom can always steal important information he wanted to get. In order to go back to his home and meet his family, he decided to help a man called Saito, the mission is to progress inception 'to plant a mind' in Saito's enemy in economic aspect. Inception is more difficult to implement than extraction because the person who plants a mind must plant a basic mind and let the mind develops itself to the mind that wants to be incepted. Dom than design the whole planned with his many accompanies, they created the dream( but not with Dom), then they forced the enemy to go into their designed dream. The dream is divided into several layers, Dom pretented to be the enemy's protector and deceive the enemy successfully, he successfully planted the mind at the end, and with a kick in the first layer, Dom and his accompanies seemed to return to reality.

But for the end of the movie, some people thinks that Dom returned to the reality and some people think that Dom and Saito stayed in limbo.

2010-09-20 18:26:18 補充:
可以, 里安納度同渡邊謙o既合作計劃係要使他們市場上的敵人放棄繼承父親的事業.

搵多個女仔幫手係因為夢境5可以由里安納度設計, 如果5係, 里安納度一定集中5到.即係里安納度同個女仔有5同o既職責, 夢o既潛入一向由兩個人進行.

夢o既第一、二、三層係因為有關里安納度o既計劃, 5係所有夢都需要三層夢, 只係月多層會有月多時間.

有錢仔? 你話hotel 果個? 佢製造一個kick, 使其餘的人能往回現實.
參考: my understanding towards the movie
2010-09-14 9:45 pm

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