Can I attend A concert In Las Vegas?

2010-09-12 3:02 am
There will be a concert next saturday at the Hard Rock Casino

can anyone attend or do you have to be 21 and older
i'm 17 and i would go with my parents to go see a Mexican group.??

Will They let me with an adult or i have to be 18-21 or older??

回答 (4)

2010-09-13 3:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
It varies from concert to concert. It's either going to be all ages, 18+, or 21+. It should specify somewhere in the advertisement for the concert what the age requirement is. If it is 18+ or 21+ you won't be able to go even if accompanied by a parent... kinda like you can't go to a nightclub accompanied by a parent. It looks like the particular show you are referring to is all ages, so you are good. This is the link for it -->
2010-09-12 11:47 pm
Enjoy the concert with your parents
2010-09-12 3:52 pm
There should be absolutely no problems with you entering. But I mean, if you want to be sure, just give them a quick ring, I'm sure someone will be able to tell you.

2010-09-12 10:42 am
as long as you are accompanied by an adult, you should be ok.

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