
2010-09-12 7:06 am
What is the interval of B flat to F

回答 (4)

2010-09-12 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Intervals and Transposition7/1 Intervals within an octaveAn interval is the distance in pitch between any two notes . If the two notes are played together -

2010-09-12 12:09:28 補充:
B flat to F is perfect 5th

2010-09-12 13:33:51 補充:


B flat to F augmented 4th

2010-09-13 16:17:19 補充:
如果 F To B flat is perfect 5th ,但是 B flat to F 不是 perfect 5th 。

2010-09-15 20:31:24 補充:

B flat to F augmented 5th.

2010-09-15 20:38:02 補充:
F to B flat perfect 5th is wrong. Also B flat to F not a perfect 5th.

2010-09-17 23:16:51 補充:
To: 張爆


如果 Interval 有 Key signature B flat to F is a perfect 5th,但是如果沒有 Key signature B flat to F is augmented 5th. 因為 F to B flat is a perfect 4th.
這是 Inversion of intervals.

2010-09-17 23:40:30 補充:
To: 張爆

另一個發問者發問都係音程轉位問題有 Key signature and 沒有 Key signature 如何看 Interval ? 你可否幫他解答?

2010-09-18 09:13:21 補充:
To: 張爆

不是所有 interval 加 Key signature 就是果個 interval name. 有 Key signature and 沒有 Key signature 是不同的,你要留意如果沒有 Key signature B flat 向上還是向下。

2010-09-18 18:35:01 補充:
To: 張爆

Inversion of intervals


C to Db is minor 3nd
C to D is major 2nd
C to Eb is minor 3rd
C to E is major 3rd
D to F is perfect 4th
C to F# is augmented 4th
C to Gb is diminished 5th

2010-09-18 18:37:17 補充:
Db to C is major 7th
D to C is minor 7th
Eb to C is major 6th
E to C is minor 6th
F to C is perfect 5th
F# to C is diminished 5th
Gb to C is augmented 4th

2010-09-18 20:00:38 補充:
To: 張爆

Intervals 不是只看 Key signature tonic of a scale ,其他 degrees of the scale 都可以轉位,其實二個答案都可以,因為沒有說明什麼 Key signature ,所以說是 B flat to F is perfect 5th. 亦可以是 B flat to F is augmented 5th.

2010-09-18 20:16:28 補充:
To: 張爆


2010-09-19 14:52:10 補充:
Inversion of intervals

Please click ↓

2010-09-21 19:48:34 補充:

Inversion of intervals


C to Db is minor 2nd
C to D is major 2nd
C to Eb is minor 3rd
C to E is major 3rd
C to F is perfect 4th
C to F# is augmented 4th
C to Gb is diminished 5th

2010-09-21 19:51:34 補充:
Db to C is major 7th
D to C is minor 7th
Eb to C is major 6th
E to C is minor 6th
F to C is perfect 5th
F# to C is diminished 5th
Gb to C is augmented 4th

2010-09-21 19:52:45 補充:
3 個網友答案是正確的。
2010-09-19 4:09 am
perfect 4th.

as a rule of thumb, using F as starting note
F-F -->同音 -->unison
F-G-->major 2nd
F-A --> major 3rd
F-Bb--> perfect 4th
F-C --> perfect 5th
F-D --> major 6th
F-E --> major 7th
F-high F --> major 8th

1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 都係 diminished - minor - major - augmented
4, 5 都係 diminished - perfect - augmented

F-G# --> 先諗F-G係兩度 -->再諗G #左 -->所以augmented 2nd
F-Db -->先諗F-D 係六度 -->再諗D flat左 -->所以minor 6th
F-Cbb -->先諗F-C係5度 -->再諗C flat 完又flat -->所以 diminished 5th

2010-09-18 20:11:03 補充:
我調轉左睇~ Bb - F --> Bb 去F --> perfect 5th.

2010-09-18 20:12:29 補充:
8th 係叫perfect 8th, not major
2010-09-17 6:32 pm
Bb to F 係 PERFECT FIFTH 呀!!!

以Bd Major 黎講,
Bb=do, C=ra, D=me, Eb=fa, F=so, G=la, A=ti

Bb to F 係 do -> so, 姐係1 to 5既關係, 所以係perfct fifth
F to 高一個八度既 Bb, 姐係 so -> do', 姐係5 to 1, 係perfect fourth

Bb to F#先係augmented fifth 呀

2010-09-17 10:36:13 補充:
001: 你第一個答案 perfect fifth 係岩嫁...

2010-09-17 10:37:43 補充:
我上面打錯野, 係Bb Major 唔係Bd Major

2010-09-18 08:20:49 補充:
To: Caramel513

我唔係好明你講沒有 Key signature B flat to F is augmented 5th
講問何謂沒有 Key signature?
B flat = Bb
冇key signature姐係想講B?
B->F係diminished, 因為音程短左

2010-09-18 15:42:16 補充:
To: Caramel513

你講既係譜面個Key signature?
我講既Bb係已經計左Key signature嫁啦,
你講冇Key signature既意思姐係C Major/A Minor啦
無論咩調, Bb 去 F(低去高)一定係perfect fifth
F 去高音Bb 一定係perfect fourth

不過你俾d example講下你o個樣野啦,
我想知道點解你會咁諗, 同你既真正意思係咩

2010-09-18 19:21:05 補充:
To: Caramel513

我係唔明你講Key signature 既問題
invention o個方面我知你想講咩

"如果 Interval 有 Key signature B flat to F is a perfect 5th,但是如果沒有 Key signature B flat to F is augmented 5th. 因為 F to B flat is a perfect 4th."

我唔明點解你會講"沒有 Key signature B flat to F is augmented 5th"

2010-09-18 20:18:30 補充:
To: Caramel513

當你講一個音既時候, 你就要準確講出o個個係咩音,
當有個音係o個到而係G/D/A/E/B 調既時候,
就算佢冇標明有#都係寫作F#, 唔會寫F 嫁..
所以一講 Bb 就一定係Bb , 唔會有其他可能性(你可以叫佢A# o既..)
所以 Bb -> F 係perfect 5th 唔會有機會等於augmented 5th
就算inversion之後係F -> Bb 都只係perfect 4th
如果你對樂理有更深入既研究, 咁你就會知道你咁講有咩問題
就我同你講左咁短時間既野, 我覺得你既樂理知識 -好似- 仲未好足夠..

2010-09-19 21:20:31 補充:
To: Caramel513

講多樣野俾你聽, inversion有規律嫁

After inversion:

Perfect -> Perfect
Major -> Minor
Minor -> Major
Augmented -> Diminished
Diminished -> Augmented

Perfect 既點轉都會係Perfect, 絕對唔會出現Augmented
2010-09-13 9:44 pm
It's Pefect 5th.
用樂器奏出這兩個音, 就好像是 do 和 so 音.
所以, perfect 5th 係冇錯啦~

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