Need 同 have to 有冇分別??

2010-09-12 6:15 am
need=需要 have to=要

1.I need to do homework.

2.I have to do homework.


回答 (5)

2010-09-12 5:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
need 是需要, 藉以補充缺乏, 不獲補充便有不良後果
have to 是必須做, 是責任, 不管有沒有好處, 縱然不願意也要做
want (want to) 是想做,是慾望,不一定是真的需要,可能越弄越糟

I need to do homework 我知道做功課對我有幫助,藉此補充學業上的不足,我需要它.
I have to do homework 我知道我有責任做好功課,可能我不喜歡,但也不得不做

The former is more positive than the latter.

Other examples:

I need an assistant to help me out if I have to finish the project this week.
You have to bring your hong kong identity card when you go out athough you don't think you need to.

2010-09-12 14:16:41 補充:
Attn: Wong Tak Yee

'I need to do my homework' is Chinglish. 'my' in this context is superfluous.
2010-09-12 7:51 am
"have to" implies obligation. (有第三者要求我做功課,例如:老師要求我交功課,所以我要做功課)

"need to" implies necessity (我因為自己需要做功課而做功課)

參考: Myself
2010-09-12 6:26 am
have to is stronger than need

I have to drink.

I need to eat.

Drink is important than eat
2010-09-12 6:19 am
need=需要 ,而have to=一定要
2010-09-12 6:17 am

2010-09-11 22:19:33 補充:
But 要你用係邊......

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