
2010-09-11 7:44 pm
旅行社有否責任提醒旅客有關簽證問題, 我因為旅行社沒有提醒那國家需簽證, 未能登機, 不知可怎做?


回答 (4)

2010-09-13 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
by law, they are not liable to tell customer about the visa. but in business relation, they should warn customer what document they needed for travel.

like now, at least you will not go back to the same travel agency la..!
and tell all the people you know to avoid them too...
2010-09-18 1:41 pm
那個國家需簽證, 早已作了通告。 因此, 在法例上, 這是個人應有的責任。
2010-09-12 7:18 am
Legally, they are not obligated to do anything.

However, ethnically, they should reminder the customers that they must hold a valid travel document and visa to entry the destination.
2010-09-11 8:44 pm

2010-09-19 01:26:54 補充:

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