係美國讀緊大學Year 3, 想回流返黎香港讀大學

2010-09-11 11:01 am
我major business, minor 日文

我有上網做過research 下

知道要報non jupas

但係我仍然唔係好清楚駛唔駛考試 好似TOEFL, SAT果D....?

仲有d procedure 有d confuse.. apply左大概幾時會有通知?

我打算apply, HKU, 中大, Poly



thx la!!!!

回答 (1)

2010-09-12 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To be honest, I do not think that you have a great chance to apply HKU as their GPA requirement is around 4.1<, for CUHK, at least around 3.8<, you can think about applying Hong Kong polytechnic University or City University of Hong Kong.

To apply university in Hong Kong, you have to provide your current GPA, you need to take TOEFL as well. SAT is not required but recommended

I have one little advice for you. If you are already year 3 in university, I would suggest you continuing you study until graduate as u only have one more year. You can start thinking of study the master degree if you really want to come to hongkong to study.

if you have any problem, email me: [email protected]

hope these information can help you

參考: myself

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