birthday in las vegas?

2010-09-11 5:09 am
what is a good idea for teenagers to do on their bday in las vegas sucks we cant do much like going to casinos cuz were under age ..but is there any cool places ..all i know of is adventure dome and ive been there only four times..

i really want to do something for my bestie for her 17th bday in the middle of September but out of the house no party.. just have friends to be with her on her bday .??

what are good ideas..?

回答 (4)

2010-09-11 3:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
What about a bowling get together. Most of the local casinos have 24 hr bowling centers. I see lots of teens having bowling parties or get togethers at all times of the day. You can even go to a movie afterwards as many have theaters too.
2010-09-11 12:51 pm
How about a nice buffet and a show like Blue Man Group or Mystere.
2010-09-11 11:46 pm
Makeover at Sephora.

Did not mention your budget.
2010-09-11 12:11 pm
There is lots of Roller coasters.. Also you can just have fun chilling in las vegas.. You feel chill.. Also you can find teen night clubs, lots of those. Just ask the people around , they'll know. You can go shopping, or Restaurants, lots of fun lol.

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