急!Best Wishes

2010-09-11 4:47 am
我想要Best Wishes這個字的詳細中文解釋。thx~

回答 (3)

2010-09-11 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Best Wishes 其實是一般慣常於信末的禮貌收筆句語, 就像我們中國人於信末簽名前的' 並候近安' 一般用意。Best Wishes 其實是 With all my best wishes to you, (意即謂這封信是連同我對你最好的祝福)的簡寫, 就是如此簡單。人們現在懶了, 甚麽也簡寫, 就好像With all my best regards to you(連同我對你最高的敬意) 簡化為Best Regards一樣。
參考: common knowledge
2010-09-11 5:01 am
Sorry, but it is in English.

"BEST WISHES' is usually used at the end of a letter that you are sending to a
close friend .It can also be used when you are saying goodbye to someone who are going to leave you for a trip.

If you say Best wishes to someone, you hope he will get all he wants and be
successful in the future.

Hope this may help.
參考: Myself
2010-09-11 5:15 am
Best Wishes系解最好的祝福,,
通常系寫信呀send e-mail果時寫ga]]

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