
2010-09-10 5:58 am
我成日都分唔道past tense 同presenr prefect tense ,,我星期1要quiz tense ,,正係分唔道,,,,,用我呢題例子 mr chan is 87 .he (travelled /has travelled )all over the world in his life .,,,,第二條例子,,Paul (came /has come ) to see you .he is in your brother"s room

球先做功課又有4題唔係好識,,請指教下我,,Mrs .andrew (work ) in the garden when the milkman came ,,呢題可唔可以用past tense ,,佢有講個時間,,,第二條=well ,he (look ) fine to me .第3真係好唔明 yesterday henny and i (have ) a little accident ,the milkman (explain )

回答 (3)

2010-09-10 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yeungwai man:
past tense和present perfect tense的用處分別其實不難, 但英文終究不是我們的母語, 所以要清楚分別在什麽情况下用那一個初時確有點混亂,要加一點邏輯思考和想像力, 但提隨着時間習慣下來, 便會掌握運用了。
不用詳加解釋,past tense就是簡單過去了的動詞如:
I met Peter and his father yesterday on my way home after school.
Two robbers robbed the bank and went away by a taxi this morning.
要明白現在完成式present perfect tense就要詳加解釋了,解釋完我才解答你的兩個例句。
1)We lived here seven years.----------我們住了這裏七年(現在已不在這裏住).
2)We have lived here seven years----我們已住這裏七年(現在還繼續住着). 第2句present perfect tense很易和present perfect continuous tense如 We have been living here (for) seven years since 2000 的有加强' 繼續 ' 語氣作用的句子混淆, 但兩句終究意欲表達的意思其實一樣。
We have written to you yesterday about this matter.是文法錯句,應用simple
past tense即 We wrote to you yesterday about this matter.才對,這要切記 !
因為一個動詞的tense不單顯示時間,同時顯示事情發生的動態, 用英文詮釋即
' The tense of a verb shows not only the time of an action or event, but also
shows the state of an action referred to.' 現刻才答你的例子如下:
1)Mr. Chan is 87, he has travelled all over the world ( so far) in his life.用present perfect tense才對,他已曾環遊世界, 但人未死, 旅遊暫時完結了,但可能會再去旅遊, the state of the action,' travel ' 還繼續着。
2)Paul has come to see you ; he is in your brother's room.亦循同一道理, 要用present perfect tense才對, 因Paul 雖未見到要探望的人,但他尚未走,還在探訪過程中, the state of action' see' 還未完結也。若Paul 已走了就可說
Paul came to see you, but he left already.用simple past tense 或
Paul had come to see you, but he left a few minutes ago.用past perfect

2010-09-10 13:16:31 補充:
在下在答案第2行最後的'提' 字是多寫了的, 特此更正, 並祈原諒。

2010-09-12 13:31:15 補充:
我剛看到你的補充問題,但因我怕本欄容不下我的長長解答, 所以我會在已收到你來信的回覆欄內稍後作答。
參考: my English knowledge plus relevant sources, nil, nil
2010-09-10 5:30 pm
In your example 1, if we are talking about a dead man, such as at his funeral, we would say "Mr Chan was 87. He travelled all over the world in his life"
However, since the sentence starts with "Mr Chan is 87", that means he is still alive, then we would say "He has travelled all over the world in his life".
His life is not over yet, so the present perfect tense is the correct choice.

Similarly, for sentence 2, since the second part of the sentence says "he is in your brother's room", which means Paul has not left yet, and he is still there, so the present perfect tense "Paul has come to see you" is the correct choice.
If the second part of the sentence says "he was in your brother's room", then the past tense can be used, i.e. "Paul came to see you".

2010-09-13 11:02:15 補充:
(1) Mrs .Andrew (was working ) in the garden when the milkman came.
呢題最適合用 past continuous tense , 因為佢係講昨曰個 milkman 來到時, Mrs. Andrew 正在做緊園藝。
(2) well ,he (looked ) fine to me . 簡單過去式
(3) yesterday Henny and i (had ) a little accident , 簡單過去式

2010-09-13 11:02:34 補充:
(4) the milkman (explains) 因為上文講 "yesterday",個 milkman 係依家解釋番昨日嘅事,所以用 explains (present tense)。
參考: my past learning
2010-09-10 6:02 am
present prefect is the thing that you have done and have finished and it last for a little time.

past tense is the thing that you did it before

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