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滑鼠的由來 1964年,年輕的美國科學家道格拉斯·恩格爾巴特發明了滑鼠。
在早期的時候,電腦的操縱介面是採用指令模式,也就是說要用鍵盤一個字一個字的輸入,直到所謂的『圖形使用者介面』(Graphic User Interface,GUI)的概念被大量應用於電腦操作後,「滑鼠」這項週邊設備越來越重要因為其細長接線像老鼠的尾巴,所以發明滑鼠的道格拉斯就將它取名為「mouse」,
滑鼠的英文原名是“Mouse”,1968年12月9日,全世界第一個滑鼠誕生於美國加州斯坦福大學,它的發明者是Douglas Englebart博士。Englebart博士設計滑鼠的初衷就是為了使電腦的操作更加簡便,來代替鍵盤那繁瑣的指令。他製作的滑鼠是一隻小木頭盒子,工作原理是由它底部的小球帶動樞軸轉動,並帶動變阻器改變阻值來產生位移信號,信號經電腦處理,螢幕上的遊標就可以移動。自此,滑鼠和PC就結下了那種難以用言語表達的不解之緣。
2010-09-09 17:56:40 補充:
2010-09-09 18:17:01 補充:
Mouse with the most common standard features: two buttons and a scroll wheel, which can also act as a third button.
A mouse is a pointing device that functions by detecting two-dimensional motion relative to its supporting surface.
2010-09-09 18:17:46 補充:
Physically, a mouse consists of an object held under one of the user's hands, with one or more buttons.(Although traditionally a button is typically round or square, modern mice have spring-loaded regions of their top surface that operate switches when pressed down lightly.)
2010-09-09 18:17:58 補充:
It sometimes features other elements, such as "wheels", which allow the user to perform various system-dependent operations, or extra buttons or features that can add more control or dimensional input.
2010-09-09 18:18:18 補充:
The mouse's motion typically translates into the motion of a cursor on a display, which allows for fine control of a graphical user interface.
2010-09-09 18:18:30 補充:
The name mouse originated at the Stanford Research Institute and derives from the resemblance of early models which had a cord attached to the rear part of the device (suggesting the idea of a tail) to the common mouse.