
2010-09-09 7:47 pm

回答 (3)

2010-09-09 10:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以直接去台灣旅遊觀光局既官方網站找資料, 會比較準確的 :
入左佢地個網站之後, 係最底果一度選擇英文版就ok.

2010-09-25 1:02 am
In Taiwan, where it seems the people live to eat. There is a snack shop every three steps & a restaurant every five. They serve all kinds of Chinese food, from the roast duck, smoked chicken, lamb hotpot, fish in wine sauce, scallop and turnip balls of the north to the camphor-tea duck, salty fried chicken with spices, honey ham, etc. As the island's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, its culinary culture has expanded beyond the traditional Chinese foods to Chinese-style fast-food chains, thus bringing greater complexity than ever before to the art of Chinese dining. Foreign foods from all over the world have also made their appearance in Taiwan. The island is now filled with eateries serving American hamburgers, Italian pizza, Japanese sashimi, German pig's knuckles, Swiss fondue, and just about everything else. All of this makes Taiwan a veritable paradise for gourmands. Taiwan's own native cuisine has also become known around the world, and if you try it just once you will remember it forever.

Besides the delicous cuisine, the traditional festive events also have special attraction to tourists. The Pingxi Sky Lantern Festival is one of the most colorful activities of the Lantern Festival. Pingxi is a remote hillside town. In former times, those who worked or farmed in the mountains faced the risks of being robbed or killed; so the people used lanterns to tell their families they were safe. The lanterns have lost their function as a warning signal, and today they are a symbol of peace and good fortune.
2010-09-09 8:06 pm

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