A silicon solar cell array, with a collection efficiency of 13%, is required to produce 1.5 kW of power to run?

2010-09-08 2:35 pm
A silicon solar cell array, with a collection efficiency of 13%, is required to produce 1.5 kW of power to run a small pump. If the array is positioned to collect 340 Wm-2 of energy from the sun, how large an area (in m2) does the array need to be to achieve the desired output?

show calculation please

回答 (2)

2010-09-08 8:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Power out = Insolation * area * efficiency

Fill in the blanks, and solve for the area.
2010-09-08 9:42 pm
hope someone will help you..
參考: me!

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