
2010-09-09 4:17 am
Case Law is 'judge-made' law, and is the law made under the authority of the government. Decisions made by the judges are based on the principles of common law and the principles of equity. It is referred to as'unwritten law'


仲有...咁則係咩叫case law

我起網上面又睇過case law = common law 既...


回答 (2)

2010-09-10 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
判例法是'法官制定的'法,是根據法律的權威的政府。由法官作出的決定是根據普通法的原則和公平原則。它被稱為 as'unwritten法律'

common law=普通法
參考: me
2010-09-09 9:14 pm
例如 97年回歸後, 終院判定港人係大陸所生子女有即時居港權. 呢條就係case law.
理應全國港人子女都可以即時來港, 但係人大釋法後又要變番申請及每年限額二百幾人.

又例早前高院一案判定, 社署不能因為受助人長居大陸而不給補助金. 呢條文係
係社署規定十幾年, 但係一件案件就被推翻,呢件案就成為case law.

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