
2010-09-09 4:05 am
想到英國升大學,大約讀economic, account, management個類。

回答 (3)

2010-09-09 5:04 am
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halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

想到英國升大學,大約讀economic, account, management個類。

>> 001 講果間係imperial college, 佢係讀science 同engineering 既, 係冇econ, account 讀架, 係master 先布,

>>唔知你所講既成績好即係咩grade 啦, 出名既當然有oxbridge, 但如果唔想的話, 可能揀LSE, UCL, Kings 既, 呢3間london 既uni 讀econ/business 呢一d 都係好出名既,

>> 如果唔想係london 讀, 因為貴的話, 可能揀durham, york, 呢一d 都唔錯既學校. 好多hk人都會讀econ/accounting 既

>> 因為上面果2間, 都係北d既, 所以如果唔想咁凍,可能揀warwick, bristol, nottingham, 呢幾間都係hk人會揀既大學, warwick 既business sku 出名, 可能一試.

>> management 呢, 好多時都係joint degree 咁讀, 即係xxx with management 咁既, suggest 你可能讀econ / account major, 到左master 再讀一年既manamgement 既,

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2010-09-10 08:27:45 補充:
精算可以揀LSE, 係出名既, 如果唔係warwick 果一d, 有business 讀既學校, 好多都會有埋精算的.
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2010-09-19 7:23 am
London school of economic u need ABB or AAC in GCE A level, If u wish to study account, i tell you which is the best and easy to get an offer from them. this one is not famous than LSE but very good in account study. .................................... City of London University.............................. this u previous is known as City of London Poly. City U is in central London, with small campus but good very very good for account study.

2010-09-19 08:30:34 補充:
imperial college good in engineering, university College of London UCL good for 電子, 其實在LONDON 好得兩間 LSE 或 City U of London.經濟可以唔 好去其他地區, 一定要做 Londoner, london 比其他地區貴20-40%不等, 但 london u 是好的. 本人20多年前便在city of london poly 讀, 現在變成 CITY OF LONDON U.
2010-09-09 4:11 am

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