超急!! 中文轉英文 要人手的!! 20分

2010-09-09 1:17 am

回答 (4)

2010-09-13 4:46 am
1. As we are still studying & have no income to support the family, my father need to work even he had already reached the retirement age. However, his earning is too low to support the daily life of whole family.

2. To share the burden of my father.

3. To express my gratitude to my parent, it is natural for me to repay their intensive care & selfless kindliness.
2010-09-09 7:12 am
1. My father is old and should have retired. Since we are still studying at school, we will have no income if he doesn't work. However, his meagre income can hardly cover our living expense.
2. To lessen my father's heavy burden
3. My parents take good care of me. Being their son,I hope that I can repay them by carrying out the filial duty and expressing my gratitude to them.
2010-09-09 2:07 am
1.The old bean is old, should retire originally, but we are also studying, in the family has not received,However receives is very low, the insufficiency deals with
the life expenditure.

2.Reduces the old bean the burden.
3.The parents show loving care for to me prepare the will, I hope repayment parents, are filial piety the parents,As makes the young small regard.
2010-09-09 1:30 am
My father is getting older and older, originally, he should go into retirement, but we still studying at school, we don't have any income money, so he still working, but he earns very little, it is not enough to the living expenses.
reduce father's burden.
My parents is care and so concern about me, I wish to repay back their kindness and to be a good children for them.

2010-09-08 17:32:34 補充:
我可能都有d grammar 錯,願意接受批評

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