
2010-09-09 6:16 am

1.The deviation procedure is regarded as critically deficient with respect to the management of Deviation No QPS 003-01-100401 (adulterated raw material) from March 2010.

2.No impact assessment on 25 batches of finished product already released with this raw material

3.There is no system for documenting the time out of the cold chain for batches of Lipodex(藥名).

4.There are no alert or alarm levels set for the number of vials rejected during visual inspection.

感恩阿 拜託高手幫忙

回答 (4)

2010-09-09 7:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.The deviation procedure is regarded as critically deficient with respect to the management of Deviation No QPS 003-01-100401 (adulterated raw material) from March 2010.

程序的誤差被視為是2010年3月份版本有關"失誤處置"文號QPS 第003-01-100401號中提及掺雜假原料的重大疏失.

2.No impact assessment on 25 batches of finished product already released with this raw material


3.There is no system for documenting the time out of the cold chain for batches of Lipodex(藥名).

沒有任何系統文件佐證Lipodex 脫離低溫配送的安全時間.

4.There are no alert or alarm levels set for the number of vials rejected during visual inspection.

參考: me
2010-09-10 6:15 pm
1.不符合程式認為是嚴重缺乏關於不符合的管理QPS 003-01-100401(攙雜的原料)從2010年3月那裡沒有。




參考: me
2010-09-09 9:26 pm
1.偏差程式被認為是嚴重缺乏對差無協定 003-01-100401 (攙雜原料) 從 2010 年 3 月的管理。2.已釋放此原料與成品 25 批沒有環境影響評價3.沒有系統的記錄為 Lipodex(藥名) 的批次處理的冷藏鏈的超時時間。4.有沒有警報或拒絕在視覺檢測過程中的小瓶數設置警報級別。
2010-09-09 6:20 am
1偏差程序被視為嚴重缺陷的管理方面的偏差不計分制003-01-100401(摻假原料)從 2010年3月。

2.No影響評估 25批成品已經發布了這種原材料



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