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2010-09-08 8:19 am


我的乾姐約我去長島的一間Japan Seafood buffet restaurant
我看了一部非主流電影叫做American Psycho 很好看這是一部Cult Film ,

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2010-09-08 11:18 pm
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I'd like to share with everyone how I spent my weekend!

This Saturday, which was also Labor Day, I went to a Japanese seafood buffet restaurant in Long Island with my best friend. We had a lot of crabs, Sushi, Mentaiko, salmon,squids, sailfish, octopus, and even Anges thinly sliced raw beef filet! They were all so yummy!

After the b-day dinner, we went to my friend's place to play Monopoly. We sang happy birthday song to her when it was midnight. I also gave her a present too.

As for Sunday and Monday, nothing special had been done. Since I did not have anyone to hang out with, I went to the hair salon and got a perm. I spent the rest of the time staying home, sleeping, watching movies, and facebooking. I watched a non-mainstream movie called "American Psycho," it was good. I also watched Beavis&Butt-Head on Youtube, they were funny. I love silly cartoons like that.
2010-09-10 12:52 am
Saturday on this weekend is International Labour Day.
The universe sister of I invites a Japan Seafood buffet restaurant that I went to Changdao Island
Follow with the bright crown prince red and sweet with the sushi after eating a lot of big crabs. Salmon. Soft silk. Sailfish. Sea Li's fish. Octopus. Angus' raw beef thin slice
Europe! The super and delicious one! !
Eat up after the dinner , I go sister of I the universe house play " monopoly " game at the desk right away birthday
,We sing the happy song of the birthday to play until 12 o'clock in the evening, the birthday because of sister of the universe of mine. I have given little exquisite present to her too ...
Sunday and Monday, it is very boring ! ! Because people do not invite me to play. I go to the salon to have a perm right away, other time wait to sleep and keep up with facebook with see the film inside at home
I have thought that a non-mainstream film is named American Psycho very goodlooking this is a Cult Film,
I have watched the cartoon of Beavis&Butt-Head in youtube too, super and
I exceed and like watching such low pure cartoon.
參考: me!!
2010-09-09 3:37 am
跟大家分享一下我周末的動態嘿!!Share with you guys how I spend my free time during this weekend!!
我再這個周末的禮拜六勞動節.On the Saturday of this weekend is the International Labor Day.
我的乾姐約我去長島的一間Japan Seafood buffet restaurantMy god-sister invited to a Japan Seafood buffet restaurant in Nagashima.
吃了很多大螃蟹跟壽司跟明太子跟紅甘.鮭魚.軟絲.旗魚.海鱺魚.章魚.安格斯生牛肉薄片We had lots of giant crabs, sushi, prepared pollack roe, yellow tail, salmon, squid, sailfish, cobia, octopus, and Angus raw sliced beef.
歐耶!超級好吃的耶!!Oh, it was super delicious!!
吃生日晚餐,吃完之後,我就去我乾姐家玩"monopoly"桌上遊戲After finishing birthday meal, I came to her home to play a table game called “monopoly.”
玩到晚上12點我們就唱生日快樂歌,因為我乾姐生日.我也送了精美小禮物給她...We played until 12:00 p.m. and then I sang happy birthday song to my god-sister. I also gave her a present.
禮拜日跟禮拜一,就很無聊了!!因為沒人約我去玩.It was boring on Sunday and Monday, because nobody hung out with me.我就去沙龍燙頭髮,其他時間都待在家裡面睡覺跟看電影跟上facebookTherefore I went to a beauty salon for a permanent and spent most of the rest time sleeping, watching TV, and surfing facebook.
我看了一部非主流電影叫做American Psycho 很好看這是一部Cult Film ,I watched a non-mainstream movie there called American Psycho. It’s a cult film and it’s very interesting.
I also watched the cartoons of Beavis & Butt-Head on Youtube. It was totally funny.我超喜歡看這種低淑卡通。I like watching this kind of common movie so much.

2010-09-08 19:38:47 補充:
第三行應為: My god-sister invited me to a ....
2010-09-08 9:16 pm
To share with you my weekend dynamic Hey!!
I then this labour day weekend of Saturday.
My sister asked me to do on the island of Japan restaurant Seafood buffet
Eat a lot of big crabs with sushi and Zhaoming salmon with sweet red soft silk-.-marlin. sea mackerel. Octopus. Angus beef slices in health
OU yeah! super delicious yeah!!
To eat birthday dinner, after dinner, I went to my sister House "monopoly" table games
In the evening, playing 12 point we sing happy birthday, because I do sister birthday. I also sent an exquisite gift for her. ..
Sunday to Monday, it's boring!! Because no one asked me to play I'll go to the salon, Perm, another time at sleep with movies to keep up with facebook
I saw a mainstream film called American Psycho is very nice this is a Cult Film,
I then looked at Beavis&Butt-Head youtube's cartoon, super funny yeah!
I love watching this super vulgar cartoon.

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