啫喱的state 是什麼@@?

2010-09-08 3:08 am
啫喱的state 是什麼@@?

我個人認為jelly不算固體,因為jelly並不太硬,也不算是fluid,那是什麼@?@ (jelly from????)


回答 (4)

2010-09-09 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Jelly is mostly liquid but behaves like solid . Like glass it is trnasparent having a fixed mass not fluidly but it is quite soft when you press its surface , you will break the crust .This is due to the bonding of its molecules to form a intermix network so it behaves partly liquid & partly solid .

2010-09-09 15:22:17 補充:
It would be asked in Chemistry .
2010-09-08 5:16 am
2010-09-08 4:12 am
2010-09-08 3:27 am
參考: ME

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