having a dinner or having dinn

2010-09-06 10:39 pm
She is having a dinner or having dinner?
She is having an egg or having eggs or having egg?
She is having vegetable or having vegetables?

它們都是 countable and uncountable.

因為GAMMA CHECKER, 都沒有表示錯誤~@~@!

回答 (3)

2010-09-07 12:17 am
✔ 最佳答案

She is having dinner.這個dinner本身已經是一種飯餐的名詞,另外breakfast/lunch/brunch/tea/supper/late-night-snack等都一樣,不用加上article(a,an,the)已經完整。但是如果當你手多,加了一個形容詞,例如:candle-light dinner, buffet dinner, late lunch, hearty breakfast.咁就要加a了。因為你所形容是暗地裏指明跟某一頓餐。

She is having eggs.一般指炒蛋(因為炒埋都當唔止一隻),跟上一樣,如果你手多加上「太陽蛋」,咁就要指明多少隻egg嘞。

She is having vetegables.

She hates (to eat) vetegables.
After the accident, he is in a vetegable state.(植物人這狀態)
2010-09-07 1:32 am
She is having dinner. - correct
She is having a dinner party. - correct, as an adjective
She is having a dinner. - incorrect
Dinner is an uncountable noun.

She is having an egg or she is having eggs. - correct
She is having egg. - incorrect.
Egg is a countable noun.

She is having vegetables. - correct
Vegetable is a countable noun.
2010-09-06 11:58 pm
having a dinner or having dinnShe is having having dinner.= dinner is uncountable noun so no article of A is required.

She is having an egg . Egg is countable noun so it is correct to have an egg.

She is having some vegetable. vegetable is also uncountable noun but we need to show amount so add some

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