Weird colon problem, help!?

2010-09-06 7:27 am
I'm 28 and I'm suffering from digestive system problems. I've started looking for help 10 years ago including visiting local GPs, Gastroenterologist, chinese doctors, acupuncture, chi-kung, nutritionist etc however no one could help me get back to normal state.

From my colonoscopy report the Gastroenterologist told me (around 7 years ago) I had a minor inflammatory large colon which I took mesasal to control it, after a few months from my blood report shows everything went back to normal so he comfirmed I have IBS. Ever since then he only prescribe Colofac to control my IBS, which obviously doesn't help.

My main problem is that I take a long time to have a bowel movement twice a day, it feels like I cannot completely clean out my colon, and sometimes I cannot digest the food I ate. and sometimes my large colon feels uncomfortable when there is *anything* in it.

I'm now taking probiotic, omega-3 and Aloeride which doesn't seem to help much, any suggestion?

Thanks for both your replies. I don't think I will try mineral oil because of the laxatives effect. What I would really like to know is the possible reasons for the cause. Could it be my small intestine causing this problem? (Because of undigested feces) Could it be just pure IBS like the doc said? What could cause discomfort in the large intestine? All you experts out there, what does my symptom sound like?

回答 (3)

2010-09-06 2:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Constipation is a complex problem to treat. The correct treatment will vary depending upon what kind of constipation you have. A colonoscopy is only a part of the diagnosis. Other test you should consider are: colonic transit study, defecography and anorectal physiology studies, smart pill, etc.... a "minor inflammatory large colon" should not be a cause of constipation.
Please visit a colorectal surgeon near you. Log into and click on locate a surgeon.
Good luck!
2016-04-21 8:54 am
Actually the pain your describing sounds a lot like diverticulitis. Perhaps you would be better off going for a colonoscopy.
2010-09-06 7:32 am
I total know what you're going through! I have IBD and I know how difficult it can be to have bowel movements. Something I use and works is mineral oil. You can have it plain or you can mix it in a drink (suggestion would be orange juice). It's cheap and you can buy it anywhere! I would also ask your doctor if they would suggest anything for you besides those three things. But I GUARANTEE you that mineral oil with work! Hopes this helps =)

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