
2010-09-06 7:23 am
eating cookies is not very healthy....為什麼用IS,而不是用ARE呀!the population of the us is greater than that of canada.THAT OF 的作用是什呀!可以不用嗎?the group agree to take action.為什麼不用AGREES?neither the instructors nor the student has a problem with the schedule.可以用HAVE 來代替HAS嗎?


回答 (5)

2010-09-06 8:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)因eating cookies在文法上叫' 動名詞'(gerund),食曲奇士餅, 無論食幾個, 也只是一件事情, 所以動詞要用單數動詞 is了。
2)The population of us is greater than that of Canada.-------that of = the
population of ; 不可以少了that of 任何一字,如少寫that就變了
The population of us is greater than of Canada.就少了一個代名詞就令句子解不通, greater than(what of Canada?) 如少寫 of 就變了
The population of us is greater than that canada.又少了個介詞(preposition) of 又文法不對亦句子解不通了。如少了that of 就變了
The population of us is greater than Canada.就成了我們的人口大過加拿大(的什麽 ?) 句子便失去人口比人口的原意, 口語對方可能明白, 但書寫一定不可以省畧了that of。
3)The group agree to take action.------The group=Many persons=The people,所以動詞要用眾數動詞是而不在agree後加 s 了。
4)不可以,因在文法上neither xxx nor xxx就是並無一個的意思,即是 no one, 所以要用單數動詞 has.
參考: nil
2010-09-08 3:21 pm
1. eating cookies is not very healthy
you have to use IS not ARE because you're talking about ONE thing , and that one thing is eating cookies . and since you're only talking about one thing , you have to use " is " because one thing is only singular , not plural .

2. the population of the us is greater than that of canada
basically the " that of " is a replacement of " canada's " . instead of saying the population of the us is greater than canada's , you can say the population of the us is greater than that of canada .

3. the group agree to take action
first of all this sentence is incorrect because you're supposed to add an " s " to agree . unless you mean groups , otherwise you have to add an " s " to group because group is singular .

4. neither the instructors nor the student has a problem with the schedule
this sentence is also incorrect because you're supposed to use HAVE not has . instructors is plural , NOT singular .
2010-09-06 8:53 am
1 Eating cookies is not very healthy.
首先要找出句子的Subject. 這句子可以理解為 Subject + Predicate --- "is not very healthy." 是句子的predicate. 餘下的 "Eating cookies" 是 subject. "Eating cookies" 是 singular, 意思是吃曲奇這行為,不論有多少個曲奇餅,都只有一種行為,所以用 singular verb.

2 "that of" 是 "The population of", 一定要用,意思是US 的人口比加拿大的多.
註:要是不用 that of 句子就變得不合理了: US 的人口比加拿大(的面積)大.

3 其實用 agree 或 agrees 都可以. 注意 group 可作為 plural 使用,強調這group內有不同的人,但行動一致,人人都 agree.

4 Neither A nor B (和 Either A or B) 只要看 B (後者)是 singular 或 plural. "the student" 是 singular, 所以只可以用 has.

2010-09-06 00:58:45 補充:
Neither … nor

Verb conjugation depends on the subject (singular or plural) closest to the conjugated verb.

2010-09-06 8:51 am
eating cookies is not very healthy....為什麼用IS,而不是用ARE呀!
因為'eating cookies'是一件事情,所以便用'is'

the population of the us is greater than that of canada.THAT OF 的作用是什呀!可以不用嗎?
'that of'是指句中的'the population',可以避免重複使用'the population'

the group agree to take action.為什麼不用AGREES?

neither the instructors nor the student has a problem with the schedule.可以用HAVE 來代替HAS嗎?
'neither the instructors nor the student'可能是指一件事,所以用'has'
參考: 我
2010-09-06 8:35 am
eating cookies is not very healthy....為什麼用IS,而不是用ARE呀!
Subject是eating cookies, 是一個動作。cookies不是subject. eating cookies是一個單一事件,謂語動詞當然用單數- is 。

the population of the us is greater than that of canada.THAT OF 的作用是什呀!可以不用嗎?
That 在這裡代替前面提到the population。 當然你可以不用that作替代, 這樣你就要重復使用the population。這樣在一句句子裏重復使用一個單詞,顯得很羅索。

the group agree to take action.為什麼不用AGREES?
後面用單數, 就只表示一個集體的行爲。

neither the instructors nor the student has a problem with the schedule.可以用HAVE 來代替HAS嗎?

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