巴黎旅遊 urgent!!

2010-09-06 2:17 am
Pls help to give me the suggestion that when where i stay.Thank you.

i will……
1st: stay in Area 12 for 2 nights/3days
2nd: stay in Area 15 for 2 nights (very near Eiffel)
3rd: stay in Area 11 for 2 nights

Pls also let me know how i take the Metro when i go to the sights; historic place that you suggested.
Thanks for your help.

Thanks Eric & Henry, You are both absolutely right. I’m very regretful that i booked the hotels; i will book the private car with driver (door to door) if not too expensive. I


Below are my schedules. 15/9 land Paris around 11:00p.m. so i choose the hotel just near CDG airport. 16/9 - 18/9 airport hotel to Kyriad Hotel Paris Bercy Village 75012 18/9 - 19/9 Kyiad Hotel to Mercure Paris Suffren Tour Eiffel 75015 19/9 - 20/9 Mercure Eiffel to Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel 75015


20/9 - 22/9 Pullman Eiffel to Crowne Plaza Paris Republique 75011 22/9 - 24/9 Crowne Plaza to Hotel I'Elysee Val d' Europe (near Disneyland) 24/9 night- back to HK


I don't know how to plan my schedule, i bought some travel books but i don't know which places are suitable for each day. It’s really made me cry for this trip... also made me sick.. I want to visit…. 凡爾賽宮 (closed on Monday) 羅浮宮 (closed on Tuesday) – should I visit at night??


鐵塔 聖母院 & 週邊 香榭麗謝大道 凱旋門 老佛爺百貨 春天百貨 畢卡索美術館 紅酒博物館 Cour St- Emilion (I think I can plan it on 16 Sept, right??) Any other places that I may visit??


Thanks Eric & Henry, You are both absolutely right. I’m very regretful that i booked the hotels; i will book the private car with driver (door to door) if not too expensive. Below are my schedules. 15/9 land Paris around 11:00p.m. so i choose the hotel just near CDG airport.


16/9 - 18/9 from airport hotel to Kyriad Hotel Paris Bercy Village (19, Rue Baron Le Roy, 12.Bercy, Gare de Lyon Paris, 75012) 18/9 - 19/9 from Kyiad Hotel Paris Bercy Village to Mercure Paris Suffren Tour Eiffel (20 Rue Jean Rey, 15 Porte de Versailles)


19/9 - 20/9 from Mercure Paris Suffren Tour Eiffel to Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel (18 Avenue De Suffren 15 Porte de Versailles Paris, 75015) 20/9 - 22/9 from Pullman Paris Tour Eiffel to Crowne Plaza Paris Republique (10, Place De La Republique, 11 Bastille Republique Paris, 75011)


22/9 - 24/9 from Crowne Plaza Paris Republique to Hotel I'Elysee Val d' Europe (near Disneyland) will stay at Disney & shopping in outlet. 24/9 night- back to HK THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!


So why i need to cry...& don't konw what to do...i'm going crazy... i checked the car rental agency, they gave me the rate around EUR 60 each time, hotel to hotel. A private car w/driver pick me up at hotel.

回答 (2)

2010-09-06 6:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I strongly agree with Eric. Paris is not as big as you think, actually Paris is smaller than Hong Kong (only consider the main area of Paris city). You don't need to change hotel during your stay in Paris. It's the same case that you will not change hotel from Cuaseway Bay to Mong Kok, then from Mong Kok to Shatin if you plan to travel in Hong Kong.

Lift and escalator is not a must in Paris. Imagining climbing up stairs in metro, you will give uo the mind of moving hotels.

Refer to the tourist sights, I suggest you can borrow a travel guide from library or even buy one. It's very useful for tourist. In the book, it will tell you how you can reach those tourist spots.

2010-09-06 10:57:21 補充:
However, if you have already booked the hotel, it cannot be changed. You need to plan to trip according to the hotel locations.
Arrodissement (not area..) 11 (11eme) and 12 (12eme) is very near, in Eastern Paris.

2010-09-06 10:57:26 補充:
Arrodissement 15 (15eme) is in Western Paris. You can consider going to Versailles and Tour Eiffel when you live in 15eme. For other places, it's same...

2010-09-06 12:39:53 補充:
Oh my God... You nearly change hotel everyday. Bear in mind that the check in time of hotel in Paris is 2 - 3pm. You may not be able to get the room before that time. You can only place the luggage in the concierge...

2010-09-06 12:40:17 補充:
I don't understand "book a private car with driver"... You mean you will call a car when you move hotel? or you will rent a car with driver during your stay in Paris. Taxi is very expensive in Paris, renting driver is much more expensive...

2010-09-06 12:41:09 補充:
But with your schuedule, I really don't know how I can do it... Assuming you will travel by taxi when you move hotel, it will be around 50 - 60 euro. Do you think it's ok?

2010-09-06 12:58:56 補充:
OK. Just forget all hotel issue, Paris is not as big as you think. You have planty of time since you stay in Paris for 9 days. You can have a free trip in Paris

2010-09-06 14:06:00 補充:
噢, 原來有字數限制... 早知唔用英文...
或者你開多一條問題係問行程, 我再幫你睇睇啦.
2010-09-06 8:47 am
I suggest you to stay in one hotel over the period. It would be trouble and waste time for you to move from one hotel to another. Remember that it would not be a good experience for you to take metro with your luggage.

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