
2010-09-06 1:53 am
咩叫mould 唔該教下我啦!!!!!!!!!! thx

回答 (1)

2010-09-10 3:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
nouna container that you pour a soft liquid or substance into, which then becomes solid in the same shape as the container, for example when it is cooled or cooked 模具;鑄模 countablea particular style showing the characteristics, attitudes or behaviour that are typical of somebody/something (獨特)類型,個性,風格 countable usually singulara fine soft green, grey or black substance like fur that grows on old food or on objects that are left in warm wet air 黴;黴菌 uncountable countableSee also: leaf mouldIdiom: break the mould (of something)to change what people expect from a situation, especially by acting in a dramatic and original way 改變…模式;打破…模式verbto shape a soft substance into a particular form or object by pressing it or by putting it into a mould (用模具)澆鑄,塑造 VN ~ A (into B) ~ B (from/out of/in A)to strongly influence the way somebody's character, opinions, etc. develop 對…影響重大;將…塑造成 VN ~ sb/sth (into sb/sth)to fit or make something fit tightly around the shape of something (使)緊貼於,吻合~ (sth) to sth

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