about comma splices

2010-09-06 1:20 am
she did really well at school ,coming top of the class again this year.

是不是,唔可以用comma 分開兩段文字?點解?
如果岩的話,,點解D人又話,唔可以用comma 分開兩段文字?
係未我有misunderstanding? 可否詳細解釋!?

回答 (1)

2010-09-06 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
The sentence is correct!
A comma splice means two sentences, with full verbs, are joined by a comma.There is no comma splice in the above-said sentence as there is just
----> One main clause + one participle phrase
In fact there is only one verb, 'did', in the sentence. The main clause is : She did really well at school.
The second part of the sentence is a participle phrase: "coming top of the class again this year. (originally = she came top of the class again this year------> "she" is left out, and the verb "came" becomes a present participle"coming" which is no longer a full verb!)

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