GCE AL~~~~~pls help 40!!

2010-09-06 1:01 am
Is it true that

1. There're only 2 exam boards for gce a level in HK, edexcel and cambridge, no AQA, OCR &

2. Which board is preferred if i take AL Econ, As Math & Stat in HK and interested in taking GCE Maths, further maths and econ?

回答 (1)

2010-09-07 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

Is it true that

1. There're only 2 exam boards for gce a level in HK, edexcel and cambridge, no AQA, OCR

>> 係既, 只有edexcel 同cambridge, aqa 只係英國先有, 亦有說cambridge 係under ocr 的.

2. Which board is preferred if i take AL Econ, As Math & Stat in HK and interested in taking GCE Maths, further maths and econ?

>> 其實係冇關係既, 因為2個board 學既野, 都係一樣, 但係個sequence 會唔好, 可能同一個topic 係edexcel 可能係paper 1 考, 但係係cambridge 就係paper 3 先考既, 所以建議, 你應該去睇佢個syllubus, 睇下邊一d topic 你伙有信心一齊考既, 咁就去apply 果個board.

>> 你個問題有al 同gce, al 係hk 果個嗎? edexcel 同cambridge 只得gce 既考試, 而如果你講既係英國既gce a-level, 咁2條問題就重複左, econ 好多人都會take cambridge既, 而maths 同furthermaths, 2個board 都有人揀, 不過宦係cambridge common 一d.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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