✔ 最佳答案
Part A --- To sing or play from memory a melody played twice by the examiner.考官會彈一小段樂句兩次,你要唱返個旋律出來.
Part B To sing six notes from score in free time.
考官會指示你唱出六個音:你可以選擇看高音譜號或是低音譜號. (通常女仔用高音譜號, 男仔看低音, 不過, 這也不一定, 視乎你平日習慣看的就好了.) 音與音之間的音域是在上行五度及下行四度之間. 這個測試, 第一個音及最尾的一個音都是完結在 do 音. 考官會彈個chord, 然後彈埋第一個音 (即do音)俾你.
若你有absolute pitch, 可以就咁唱. 若不, 你要先找出是什麼大調 (五級只考C, G, D, F 和 B flat調), 然後便找出每個音的唱名 (即 do, re, me, fa, so), 唱哂六個音即可.
Part C (i) To answer questions about two features of a piece played by the examiner.
考官會先問你兩條問題, 再彈一段歌仔選段, 你要從選段中找出答案.
Part C(ii) To clap the rhythm of the notes in an extract from the same piece,and to identify whether it is in two time, three time or four time.
從剛才的選段, 考官會抽取其中一小句並彈出來, 與此同時, 你要用手拍出節拍, 當彈完後, 你要回答是2拍子? 3拍子?或是4拍子?