
2010-09-05 8:14 pm
係咁的,我想作野,個title係"Lived life",唔知可唔可以譯作「曾生存過的生命/已死去」之類的意思,不過我覺得grammar好似有d問題,或者唔make sense...
如果唔應該咁寫,可以點呢?(我想有"Live" 同"life"的字眼。)
Please help!

回答 (3)

2010-09-05 10:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Lived" 可以指死去。

"Lived life" 可以譯作「曾生存過的生命/已死去」的意思; but grammar 有d問題,you should say: "A Lived Life"

You can also add an adjective, such as "A Short-Lived Life", "A Long-Lived Life", "A Well-Lived Life", etc.

This makes m think of Elton John's song "Candle In the Wind"....

And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When the rain set in ....
2010-09-05 9:32 pm
Keep it! "Lived Life"
When you have writing, you need a powerful one that could capture your readers, not one if the perfect grammer!

2010-09-05 13:33:21 補充:
sorry, i meant to say "When you are writing, you need a powerful title that could capture you readers, not one with the perfect grammer!"
2010-09-05 8:30 pm
qq answer:
考慮下 Life that lived before
或 Life that once lived--------------兩個也同一意思。
參考: nil

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