
2010-09-05 7:08 pm
哲學問題,哲學達人請進,請解答所有紅色 的提問。


1. All flying objects are birds.
2. Aeroplane is a flying object.
3. Hence, aeroplane is a bird.

此為 valid argument(此答案是老師提供的),但 insects 夠會飛啦,statement 1 明顯是 false premise,點解會 valid 呢?


1. All reptiles can move.
2. Human can move.
3. Hence, human is reptile.

此為 invalid argument(此答案是老師提供的),若例題一合乎 logics 而稱得上 valid 的話,點解此題又 invalid 呢?


1. 若吃得多,你便會長胖。
2. 你長胖。
3. 所以你吃得多。

辯證為 If x, then y. Now, y. 因此,結論是 x。換句話說,x=y --> now y --> hence x。好像合乎邏輯,但又因果逆轉了。

到底上述是 valid or invalid,please give good reasoning for justification as well.


若你反對某個 deductive (推論的) argument,應從哪方面著手? I mean what good reasoning should be?


回答 (3)

2010-09-05 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It's valid because that's what the first statement said. Don't use your common sense on this! Of course Aeroplane is not a bird, but it's the statement that matter. If it said all flying object is a bird, then they are birds.

It's invalid because it only said "All repetile can move" It did not say "All moving things are repetile." so even if humans can move, it doesn't mean it's a repetile

疑問一: (I'm not entirely sure that's right)
x then y, i tend to think of this question in math terms. x is a independent clause n y is a dependent clause. x affect the outcome, which is y. but y does not affect x. so the answer is invalid. y is the fat/weight, x is the amount of food. too much food can cause obesity, but obesity does not cause having too much food.

Good reasons have prove. Don't base all what you see on the surface. Dig deep into what's inside. Never depend on just one result, find more that have the same outcome to back you up. For more specific, it has to depend on the topic of the argument.
參考: me and my poor philosphy mind
2010-09-07 2:12 am
至於一個deductive argument點樣反對…一個嚴謹既論證係無可能推翻到,因為佢valid,valid就無敵了。即使推論中一個你唔想既結論出現了,無論點你都只能夠接受了;佢就係事實同真理。一般哲學的各大師間的辯論,雖然成日話就話我推翻左你,你又推翻左我…但係好少真係完全推翻到…因為見得最多既情況都係佢地前提中對字面上的解釋大家都係不同的;他們對事物的理解和前設都是不同的。
2010-09-06 7:36 am
Valid 和 invalid 是指其論證結構上的有效性,只要大前提蘊含小前提並導致遵循前提的結論就是有效的論證。以例題一為例,所有會飛的東西都歸類為鳥類 (大前提) ,飛機會飛 (小前提) ,飛機自然是鳥類 (飛機是所有會飛的東西之一) 。有效性和前提的真實性沒有關係,所以不用理會其真實性。

例題二是 invalid 是因為所有爬蟲動物不包含會動的動物,而只是會動的動物包含所有爬蟲動物。雖然會動的動物同時也包含人,但這不是將人歸類為爬蟲動物的充分理由。

“若...” (if-clause) 在邏輯學中是構成 “後果” (或稱為必要條件) 的充分條件。例題三當中的 “若吃得多,你便會長胖” 裡面的 "若吃得多" 是構成 “長胖” 的充分條件。必要條件不包含充分條件,而只是充分條件包含必要條件,以例題三為例,吃得多一定長胖,但長胖不一定是因為吃得多 (少做運動也可以是長胖的成因)。

反對 deductive argument 應顯示該前提為假或結論無法遵循前提著手。我相信你說的 good reasoning 是說論證的 “健全性” 吧。健全的論證是有效而且前提為真。

2010-09-14 17:13:14 補充:
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