AL physics about gas(1)

2010-09-05 8:07 am
A closed vessel contains an ideal gas at a certain temperature. The gas is heated until its pressure reaches 1.2 times its initial value. Calculate the percentage increase in the average kinetic energy of the gas molecules.

回答 (1)

2010-09-05 8:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
From ideal gas law, PV = (1/3).M.c^2
where P is the gas pressure,
V is the volume of gas,
M is the mass of gas,
c is the rms speed of the gas

Hence, (3/2).PV = (1/2).M.c^2 = KE, where KE is the average kinetic energy of all the gas molecules.

Since new pressure P' = 1.2P, with volume remains unchanged.
i.e. (3/2).(1.2P).V = (KE)', where (KE)' is the new kinetic energy
Dividing, 1.2 = (KE)'/(KE)
hence, percentage increase in average kinetic energy
= (1.2-1) x 100% = 20%

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