英文翻譯 給朋友的短訊

2010-09-06 7:19 am



回答 (3)

2010-09-06 8:38 am
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Recently, I stayed up quite late for work, and I am exhausted! I believe that working in Korea is as exhausting as working in Taiwan. How have you been this weekend? In fact, I realize that we almost share the same hobbies, espeacially drinking coffee and going to movies. Hahahaha!
You once asked me that if my name stands for a special meaning. You were quite imaginative. However, my name does not stand for anything else. ^^
參考: 我的頭腦
2010-09-06 4:30 pm
Couldn't work a long time, the home also'm beat!
In Taiwan, South Korea with a spell!
How about you? the weekend?
Find you with my hobby also holds the same especially love coffee and movies. hahaha
And you asked my name if there is anything special?
You're full of imaginative ^ ^
(My name) actually, it's nothing special mean ^ ^
2010-09-06 7:26 am
These days are longer, it is tired and paralysed too to come back home! Work as S. Korea too in Taiwan , should try one's utmost very much! How about you? How passing on weekend? Find you still hide with my hobby from the same one! Especially like drinking coffee and film. Does hahaha have you to ask whether my names have any special meaning? You still imagine strength fully ^ ^ (my name) In fact it have no special meaning ^ ^

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