暑假作文——日本旅遊 * 要英文 * 急!20點

2010-09-04 7:30 am
本人想要一篇暑假作文:日本旅遊記 英文 這是功課 !!!内容唔駛寫到好專業, 要小

學4~5 年級既作文水準 !!可以嗎??????

内容係去日本旅遊 , 列如 當地景色(東京鐵塔做咩 北海道買咩. 等等......) 、美食(唔想要咩壽司、刺身...... eg: 拉麵 ...總之好特別既美食!!) 等等等.....


内容唔駛太專業,簡簡單單就可以........大家可以幫我嗎??? 嗚嗚嗚...T.T

回答 (2)

2010-09-05 4:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
Japan is the east asia(東亞) country.Many country e.g. Hong Kong,USA(美國)etc.Japan's population of 130 million(1.3億).Japan capital(首都)is Tokyo.Tokyo population of 12 million.
Tokyo Tower(東京鐵塔) is the tallest tower in japan.At night,the Tokyo city view is beautiful.
In Makuhari, Chiba Prefecture City.(千葉縣幕張市)this city has a Outlet Mall.It
call"Garden Corridor"
Ramen(拉麵) is Japan people very famous food.Ramen's Ingredients e.g.Tempura,beef etc.Other,the A5 class and cattle(A5級和牛) is the Yonezawa City's(米澤市)Specialty.(特產)
In Hokkaido(北海道),you can see the flower at june-aughust(六至八月)in Furano(富良野)Hanada.You also can see the city view at Hakodate or Sapporo(函館或札榥)
Summary,Japan is the very famous country.


給最佳我 THX!!!!
參考: myself
2010-09-06 12:55 am
PLease do your hw yourself.

If it is test,you will don't know how to do la.

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