Matter - Critical Temperature

2010-09-04 1:34 am
Explain the following statement.

At low temperature, gas is liquefied by an increase in pressure alone for temperature reaches the critical temperature C, resulting departure from the expected ideal gas behaviour.

回答 (1)

2010-09-05 12:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
There're a few assumptions for a real gas to be assumed to be ideal gas. Ideal gas particles occupy no volume, have no intermolecular force on each other, and some others.

In your case, the gas is compressed at low temperature. As the gas particles are close to each other, the intermolecular force becomes significant. Also, the gas particles move slowly due to low temp., further increases the effect of dragging of gas particles by each other due to intermolecular forces.

Go back and check out the properties and assumptions of ideal gas!!

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