
2010-09-03 11:31 am
您好呀, 我想知下面嘅英文詞語嘅用法有冇用錯同啲句子有冇咩問題.

Unaccustome - I am not unaccustomed the new life.

Pain, pressure, grow up - The pain and the pressures make me grow up.

Necessary - Money is necessary for everyone.

Determine - My mom determined to sent me to us.

Disqualify - I have no idea why the invigilator will disqualify me.

Accept - Why don't you accept my suggest?

Solve - I cannot to solve the problem by myself.

Convince, cooperate - The police convince the thief to cooperate.

Fear, spoil - My brother spoil mother's bag so he very fear.

回答 (2)

2010-09-03 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Unaccustome - I am not unaccustomed to the new life.

Pain, pressure, grow up - [] Pain and [] pressure[] help me to grow up.
用了the的話是指特定的pain/pressure,則不是痛楚和壓力的意思。請教老師幾時要用article幾時唔使。make是暗示grow up生長/成長的主要構成原素,但pain和pressure只可以理解為幫助或加快成長的因素,不會是主要營養,所以選擇動詞時要留心它們本身的潛在意義。Pain and pressure accelerate my growing up.亦可以是一個自創的詺言。

Necessary - Money is necessary to buy things.
主詞是「錢」,原句意思好像是說「錢是每個人都必須」並不合理,如果說air還可以。Air is necessary for everyone to sustain life. 這處便考出你不太明白necessary的意思了。

Determine - My mom determined to sent me to us.
I am determined to win this competition/contest/game.

Disqualify - I have no idea why the invigilator will disqualify me.
這句理應是已發生disqualify,為何用了future tense?
I have no idea why the invigilator disqualified me.
I have no idea why the invigilator has disqualified me.

Accept - Why don't you accept my suggestion(s)?

Solve - I cannot [] solve the problem by myself.
cannot之後沒有to的 solve是verb,不是infinitive.

Convince, cooperate - The police convinced the thief to cooperate.
這是一個報導的話便應是用past tense了。

Fear, spoil - My brother spoil mother's bag so he very fear.
spoil中譯是損壞/破壞/寵壞/腐爛。但不會用在bag這類物件上解作損壞。例如spoil the moment破壞氣氛, spoil the fun掃興, spoil a child寵壞小孩, spoil the food食物腐爛。
另外你這樣寫時fear是verb,不是noun,he fear之後要有東西給他驚of的。
His fear spoiled our competitive edge in this debate.
2010-09-03 12:30 pm
1) unaccustome is used as a verb in the sentense so it should be "I am not unaccustomed (to) the new life."

2) this one is correct

3) correct

4) 我媽媽決心把我送到我們裡? maybe you should say "My mom (was) determine to sent me to (them). 我媽媽決心把我送到那們裡

5) it's correct, but u spelling something wrong, it's "Investigator" or invigilator if u mean to write 調查者

6) it's correct, but it's usually "Why (won't) you accept my suggest?"

7) you don't need "to", just "I cannot solve the problem by myself." because solve is part of the verb

8) correct

9) you should say "Because my brother spoiled mother's bad, he got very scared."

2010-09-03 04:33:00 補充:
im sorry, in number 5, i meant to type this: "it's correct, but u spelling something wrong, it's "Investigator" not invigilator if u mean to write 調查員"

2010-09-03 04:34:30 補充:
also, in number 9: "Because my brother spoiled mother's bag, he got very scared."
參考: myself

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