
2010-09-03 8:28 am

回答 (5)

2010-09-04 1:37 am
2010-09-03 4:10 pm
I'm a very serious people, English is not very good, but I have then ㄧ straight to my learning. learning is good, just let me do a few times, you may be familiar with the strongest I is mathematical subjects, I grew up on a mathematical formula was very interested in it, so I very much like mathematics, I tried to elections in future University power machinery group.
2010-09-03 9:56 am
I’m a serious person. Although my English is not perect, I have been trying hard to learn it. My learning capability can considered fairly good. I can get things done well and quickly after a few trials. Mathematics and Science are my strong suits and have been my great interests since my childhood. Thus, I will select the power mechanical engineering field in college.

2010-09-03 02:01:27 補充:
one's strong suit 強項, 優點,長處。

2010-09-03 02:10:01 補充:
(one's) strong suit (某人的) 強項, 優點,長處。

One's 的意思是可以用所有格替代的, 如
My strong suit
His stong suit
Her stong suit

2010-09-08 20:57:31 補充:
poet 是詩人, 沒有其他的解釋
2010-09-03 9:15 am
I'm very diligent, though my English performance isn't perfect, I have always work hard on my studies. I'm efficient in my learning. Once I get to the problem, I can really handle it. My finest subjects are Mathematics and Science. I showed great interest in mathematical formulas at a tender age. Since I'm really in to math, I am more likely to dabble into the field of mechanical engineering.

參考: me
2010-09-03 9:06 am


I am not a poet but I am really trying hard to get to that level. I think I am a quick learner. With a few exercises, I can get the picture quite well.

Math is always one of my strong points and I have had tons of interests in it ever since I was at a very young age. Maybe that's why I feel very confident doing math. I think I am going to major in Power Mechanical Engineering in the college.

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