國泰Cadet Pilot Programme一問

2010-09-03 7:04 am
上國泰個網apply個Cadet Pilot Programme 發現有一條問題......"Excellent command of English? (Evidence of English language proficiency for obtaining a Student Pilot Licence will be required prior to commencement of a course. For details, please refer to Civil Aviation Safety Authority)"

回答 (2)

2010-09-04 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. where did you copy this from? seems some mistake
2. Civil aviation and safety authority (CASA) is oz. Nothing to do with hkg wor.
2010-09-03 6:38 pm
佢既意思係佢要求個學生既英文程度要好好.想知到多d詳情就去返Civil Aviation Safety Authority個website到睇

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