
2010-09-03 6:49 am
點先知道 一個人究竟中2邊個 點先可以用吾明顯的對話 就可以知道佢中2邊個?
吾該 話我知道啦!!! 要用心理學黎穩答案wor ^^ thz曬~!

回答 (2)

2010-09-03 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
藉由一個表情、一個眼色、一句說話、一個行動,就可以大致知道 一個人究竟鍾2邊個啦 ; 至於您求問點先可以用唔明顯嘅講話 就可以知道佢中2邊個呢,其實可以咁講話說:「哈!佢為人唔錯喎,你覺得佢點啊?」她越係喜歡他,就越講得多有關佢嘅所知嘅嘢!

吾吾!希望可以從心理學角度黎幫閣下穩到答案wor ~!
參考: 您可能正在暗戀緊一個異性^^
2010-09-03 9:32 am
body language two in front of him to talk and watch his foot pointing to who which directionsecond eye contact - some afraid and shine to eye contact but when you not look at him , he will peek on you

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