No. of choices for Non-JUPAS

2010-09-03 3:57 am
I wonder if there's any limitation of no. of choices of programmes for each university if I am applying throug the non-JUPAS route? If possible, please list out the number of choices allowed for each Hongkongese university.

Please don't say things like 'visit the university's website for more details' because the information I want is never on there.

Many thanks in advance.

回答 (1)

2010-09-03 9:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

>> 每一間既hk既大學, 可以俾你揀3科既, 我時我apply hk, 我就揀左1. bba law 2. bba 3. science, 當然, 放係第一位既, 就係你既first choice, 你個application 會俾first choice 既department 睇完, 如果佢地唔收既, 佢地就會pass on 俾第2個choice 既faculty, 如果都係唔得, 就會去第3既, 所以, 最好唔好放哂3科都係好popular 既科啦, 好似 --> 1. llb 2. bba law 3. medicine <-- 好多人first choice 都係揀medic, 如果你放到第3, 根本就係冇chance, 所以呢, 最好就係放一d requirement 低少少既subject 做3rd choice, 咁入到既機會就會大一d了.

>> hk 每間大學都可以有3個choice 的.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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