English translation+some prob.

2010-09-03 1:34 am
plz translate '我很慶幸能成為千多名申請人中被選中的100名參加者之一'

'i played in the park at 7 in the morning.'
'at 7 in the morning'可有更短寫法?


many thanks

回答 (3)

2010-09-03 4:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am so lucky to have been selected as one of the one hundred candidates
from amongst over a thousand others.

at 7 in the morning 可短寫為 at 7a.m.

時間, 地點, 日期 的安排舉例如下:
The party will be held at 3p.m. on 20th. September, 2010 in Hong Kong
參考: nil
2010-09-03 3:31 am
I am honoured to be selected as one of the candidate among 100 people.

'i played in the park at 7 in the morning.'
'at 7 in the morning'可有更短寫法?= spoken English

I played in the park at 7am. = both written and spoken English
I played in the park at 7 o'clock in the morning = both written and spoken English


We will meet each at the restaurant at 7pm on Monday - 9 October,.
2010-09-03 1:44 am
It's my honour that my application has been applied through all thousands applicant.

'i played in the park at 7 in the morning.'
'at 7 in the morning'可有更短寫法?

I was playing in the park at seven this morning .

(; 選我啦~
參考: Myself.

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