
2010-09-03 12:35 am
我想問點解FLAME TEST一定要用non-luminous flame?

回答 (2)

2010-09-03 8:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When you use the Bunsen burner with the air hole closed , luminous flame is produced . It is elongated , unsteady , with carbon particles together CO2 & the hottest part is at the bottom of the flame . For many lab tests including flame test we use the burner with the air hole open to produce a cleaner steady & much hotter flame---non-luminous flame which has blue steady flame & the hottest spot is at the middle of the flame . With non-luminous flame , oxygen mixes with coal gase to burn completely , cleaner & effeciently too .
2010-09-03 12:42 am
系唔系因為non-luminous flame較穩定
而溫度較高 容易達到實驗效果?
luminous flame 溫度較低
而且火焰飄忽 難達到實驗效果

唔知呀 ><

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