我想用 email 比客戶追數,可以點寫? (中文)

2010-09-02 11:58 pm
你好,因5月份 至7月份的货款已过期未缴,请协助尽快处理。 现附上月结单及5月至7月之发票,

另我想講如果你手頭上未有月結單內既發票,請立即通知,會安排再寄比 Certificate True copy (證明幅本) 比佢

回答 (1)

2010-09-03 1:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
We have yet not received your payment for the cargoes from May to July, please arrange the payment ASAP. Attached are the monthly bills and invoices from May to July for your reference.

Please let us know if you don't have any original invoice. We would resend the Cerificate True Copy of the invoice to you.

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