猴 子 同 人 類 行 路 有 乜 野 唔 同 ?

2010-09-02 1:41 pm


點解佢會識得企係度行路 ?

回答 (3)

2010-09-07 6:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
From evolution point of views, human and monkeys are primates.
Human and monkeys have over 90% of genes very similar( the blueprint or design plan is almost the SAME)
The genes can determine body structures and functions.
Therefore, monkeys have very similar legs and bone hinges.
So, monkeys can stand and walk with two legs simliar to human.
However, the genes are not the same, the bones and joints are not the same, so monkeys stand and walk differently from human
2010-09-08 8:48 pm
貓, 狗, 甚至獅子, 老虎. 河馬, 大象都可以啊, 參考馬戲團表演.

但呢d動物既站立姿勢, 膝蓋不會直, 而且點訓練都唔可以企得耐, 原因係佢地少左一樣野, 俗稱 [菠蘿蓋] 既 [臏骨]



臏骨係直立人, 智人等先至有, 用來鎖住企直左既膝關節, 可以省力. 猴子企係度行路, 一直要好用力, 想知有幾辛苦, 你可以試下坐 [無影凳] 咁既動作, 唔係做唔到既, 不過一般人就好快攰. 做住無影凳來拿東西, 走路, 好難持久咁囉.
2010-09-02 2:46 pm
參考: me

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