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果區學校就會收你(只要仲有位同埋唔係精英中學)。我想問,如果我監護人住係carlingford,咁carlingford high會唔會收我(如果間學校仲有位)?
Okay, basically, you only need to apply for a school and by law, they need to take you as a student if you are an Australian Citizens (They cannot refuse Australian Citizens enrollment unless it's over another area Say you live in Carlingford and enrol in Hurstville's HS or The Correspond entry grade is full)
However, where they put you is at their expense, they can put you back 3 grade if they want, so if you are studying in F.3 in HK, they can, put you in year 7 (= F1 in HK.) if they please.
Normally, they will interview you, have you sit a placement exam or English exam. then they will determine wether or not they take you
This is exactly what i said, they will not refuse your entry, if they still have student places, but they could put you back 1 or 2 grade if your english is not up to standard, if your's result is very bad at a point, they will require you to finish the prep course (English Course) first, then allow enrollment.