
2010-09-02 7:13 am
Hi there,

I have heart to serve the needies with my work ability. I am a Christian and want to join World vision as a frontline worker. However, I have no cuel how to join their team. Do you know where I can find job vacancy for Worldvision? I don't aim at earning living but just want to make my daily work more meaningful to the needies.

Look forward to your answer!
In Christ,

回答 (2)

2010-09-07 6:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
答: 可行的方法, 可以從不同的途徑進行。例如,
1.)留意宣明會的網頁、報刊或宣傳單章。 在那裡, 求職人士可以閱讀有關的徵聘內容。
2.)將尋找工作的意願, 告訴自己的家人和朋友, 擴闊求職的網絡

3.)到社區、志願團體或中介組織, 除了有機會尋找工作外, 尚可得到其他的幫助和資料提供。
4.)其他媒體的消息提供, 如電台和電視台。
5.)可嘗試在網上尋找, 下列是有關的網址:http://www.852.com/j obs/job_search.htm
勞工處-互動就業服務 - 提供職位空缺刊登及搜尋,就業資訊等
JiuJik 招職 - 提供職位空缺搜尋器、有關各行業的專題報導、討論區等
Recruit - 提供職位空缺搜尋器及有關就業、進修等專題報導
Jobs DB - Interactive Recruitment Service in HongKong.
Classified Post (南華早報) - Job Search, Career Education,Career News Centre,
明報Jump - 提供職位空缺搜尋器、進修課程介紹、求職指南
星島日報求職廣場 - 有職位空缺/招聘資料/履歷參考/薪酬趨勢及專業課程資料
參考: 月光光
2010-09-03 12:02 pm
I think you would better go to China to help the serfs in the rural areas (education, job security, medical care...). There are about 250 million poor civilians still screwed by the corrupt, dictate Chinese government.
參考: myself

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